IRS Form 1095 FAQ

Cut Through the Clutter

4. When will I get it?

You should receive this form by the beginning of March (the postmark date is March 2nd). If you haven’t received it by this time, please reach out to your Payroll or Human Resources representative.

5. Who gets it?

Generally, everyone enrolled in a Health Insurance Plan will receive a 1095B or 1095C form, and employees who are full-time and regularly scheduled to work thirty (30) or more hours per week for an Applicable Large Employer will receive the 1095C form. Variable hour employees within an initial measurement period and employees who are part-time, regularly scheduled for twenty-nine hours or less per week will not receive this form. An Applicable Large Employer is a company who employs an average of 50 or more Full Time Equivalent employees.

6. I received my 1095. What do I do with it?

You can use the information in the form to complete your tax filing. For more information on how to read the 1095, please click here.

7. I received my 1095, but lost it, what do I do?

Please reach out to your payroll department for a copy.

8. What should I expect if I changed jobs during the calendar year?

Just like a W-2, you will receive this form from all employers that you were employed by in the past year, so long as they are subject to the filing (had 50 or more employees). Please be sure to update your address information with all former employers to ensure that you receive the form.

9. I’m not covered by my employer’s medical plan. Will I still receive one?

Yes. If your employer is subject to this requirement, they must report this information for all employees.

10. Will I get a 1095-C for each of my dependents enrolled in the plan?

No. The form will only be issued to employees of the Applicable Large Employer.

11. Who do I talk to if I have questions?

Please feel free to reach out to your payroll, Human Resources, or Vita representative if you have questions.

12. Where do I go if I want to learn more about this?

For more information on these filings, please visit the IRS website here

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